Get Rid Of It

No matter how hard we try we end up hurting our close ones even though we didn't mean to. And trust me the damage done is not repairable at times because they think that you're just like everyone else who ends up hurting them. That's not the truth, trust me. Everyone is going through some or the other shit in their lives and just because they don't talk about their issues with you that doesn't mean they are the most stress free humans on earth.

They just don't know how to cope with their situations when it gets way beyond their basic limit but they do try hard. We often mistake their frustration and anger for something that we might have done and they chose to be pissed at us for that. It's not always the same thing, they find it hard to deal with it because they do not wanna bother you with their own stuff because they know that it's not gonna go away just like that. The process takes a hell lot of time because we all know that dealing with our own issues takes time as well.

Maybe it's not them that's hurting you or us it's the situation they are in that requires isolation for a while so that they can figure out what's driving them so crazy. They don't mean to ignore us in any way because sometimes all they need is some space. If only we understood a bit better and if only we stopped making everything about us? Why do we need to be so extra all the time? We're humans, I get it but what's with the damn EGO? like jeez! You don't have be an asshole to them in any way because you felt that they ''might'' have treated you badly and not at all appropriate according to you. I get it but hey! we all make mistakes and none of us is perfect in any damn way so why are we acting like we're the one who are always hurt?

We need to stop playing the blame game and can we please act like Mature Adults who knows how to let it go and mind our own business? Firstly, get rid of that ego and think that how peaceful things can end if we let go of our pride and not make everything about ourselves? People would be less hurt if we got rid of the ego, stop holding onto something that ruins relationships that's worth EVERYTHING!. We as humans do not understand the importance of relationships because for us our ego is way important than everything else.

Think about the times we held onto our ego and let a relationship go down to the drains because as per our knowledge the opposite person hurt our ego and has no right to put forth their views or opinions or anything. That's just super dumb! Ever wonder that what if I had let the opposite person speak their minds and tried to understand their side of story?

Sometimes my words are pretty irrelevant to some of you because these are just raw and unfiltered thoughts. Hoping that some of you might re think on this before acting like a dumbass.


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