
As humans we are bound by many relationships and those relations define who we are and how we are, how our image is transformed from who we were or who we want to be. It defines the closeness and a feeling of need, need to be with each other constantly, to develop and to grow in something we always dreamed of. We're social creatures who constantly look for such bonds that will change us in a good or a bad way and such bonds are often referred to attachments.

Attachment, a feeling of being close to someone who makes you feel complete in some or the other way, in a way that maybe you can't express it. These attachments build on to become so strong that each and everyday it makes you realise that how badly you need that person in your life because that person has the potential to change you and your way of thinking. So addictive right?
Think about the last time when you were so attached to a person that you were likely to fall apart just with the thought that what would you do if the person decided to leave your life permanently because now that the person has become an important piece of survival,

Attachments are indeed very beautiful in its own way because it satisfies the needs two ways, the giver and the taker. What makes these attachments so addictive and hard to let go when there is a serious need to let go? Why do we fallback and think so much when we need to give up that person who was once an important aspect of our lives? Why do we give that person the reason to break us down and tear apart when there was no reason to do it?

We become so dependent on that person that even if one day we are unable to talk to them, nothing feels right for us and it does drive us insane at times because they have become our need and want. Of-course certain aspects of these attachments are really beautiful because it has a lasting effect on you and you re compelled to believe that everything you see is the truth or a lie. But at times attachments can be really messy.

Everything has its price and certainly we as humans do pay the price when the time comes. I hope that you don't lose your conscience because if you do then all hell breaks lose because you become a slave to your emotions and your thoughts and if that happens then you will need to be too strong and will have to stand your ground.

Don't let this make you lose your individuality because if you lose yourself in this process then it will take a lot of time to get back on track. You are you, think like yourself because attachments aren't that bad because the feeling of being that close to a person will take you to places where you have never been, indeed beautiful. Cherish these moments but don't let it hurt you in any way and don't let it make you feel that you are weak without them because even they need you just as you need them. It is because you might have managed to change them in some or the other way.

Yes, attachments are beautiful because the entire process teaches you a lot of things and moulds you into a person with a lot of experience as to how to deal with the upcoming situations. Trust me, you can do this because I know you can.


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