
Showing posts from August, 2018

Is Validation Really Important?

The moment when we start having self doubt, we begin to lose our self esteem. Nothing seems right because we don't even know what to do anymore. We can't trust our instincts and keep over thinking the entire time as to why it is happening. It is really my fault? Even if it ain't, we tend to take the blame on ourselves. Keep apologizing for every damn thing you ever did or didn't do. You can't go without apologizing more than twice in a day. It makes you feel really crappy on the inside because you aren't able to express how things have made you feel lately. Is there something really wrong with me? I keep asking myself all the damn time. Validation is nothing but a way of assurance that you understand the other person's feelings. You try to seek validation every now and then just because you don't trust yourself anymore. You need a person who can listen to you without being judgemental. When you're currently in a phase where you are petrified of

Always Wanting To Be Around Someone

The constant need to be around someone is definitely what I'm craving since a very long time. I don't know why I feel like something is missing when I'm all alone. I can't just put into words how it actually makes me feel and I know it won't make sense to anyone of you. I've been battling anxiety since over two years now and now it's on a milder level. There is no way I can get rid of it completely. It has affected my social life pretty badly. Can't be on social media for a long time because when anxiety kicks in the isolation mode turns on. There is this constant heaviness on my chest that I don't seem to get it off me. I have been trying hard to get along with everything but sometimes it's just too hard for me. I don't expect people to understand this side. Yes I want to be around you but I'm afraid of ruining things because I simply can't control them. I swear I don't mean to do it but it's just too much for me to proces