Stay Alive

We often come across people who were once our close friends but now they don't even talk to us that often, nothing is same anymore like before and you start to wonder what went wrong, you start questioning yourself if you made any mistake or was it something else that triggered them to stay away from you. So many questions and it starts making you feel so low because they won't tell you, they will just stay aloof and expect you to understand.

But honestly if you ask me then I can say that unless if the person does not open upto you about what is bothering them then there is no way you can find out, give them their privacy for a while. If they feel that they can trust you enough then there is chance that they will give you a little insight about their issue and expect you to give your take on that situation. There is one thing you need to do, that is never ever judge them for what they are about to do or they might be thinking to do because you never know that it might be their last option to solve that problem.

They will not say that they need you to be there for them but trust me they need assurance on regular basis that you are here to stay with them and you will never leave irrespective of what the consequences are.
Everyone goes through tons of shit and there are people who get through it like it's a piece of cake and there are people who struggle with their daily lives, like they need someone to save them from their own fears, fear of being left alone, fear of being a failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of every little thing that makes them feel that they are good for nothing.

This is a personal message to everyone out there, if you or anyone you know is struggling with their lives, struggling to live a normal life because their depression and anxiety will not leave them alone. Please do not leave them alone and do not I Repeat DO NOT tell them to get over it because it's just common to have a breakdown.
It is not common to have breakdowns and isolating oneself, abandoning oneself from friends and family, you guys have no idea how badly they need someone by their side just so that they can be assured that it is going to be fine. Trust me, It is going to be fine and just hang in there because this hard time is gonna pass away soon. Tell them how strong they are to make it out alive everyday because it takes so much strength to stay alive than to take a life!

Here is a Shout-out to the ones who are struggling with their problems and struggling to stay alive, You Are Stronger Than You Think, You made it this far, Kid. :)
To the ones supporting their friends in their hard times, I am glad to know that you did your best to make them feel better.

Stay Alive! I promise it gets better tomorrow because you have the courage to do incredible things!

Mental Illness Over Goddamn Everything!


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