
Showing posts from 2019

Hold On Tight

This is not your fault, it's not who you are. You need to listen to your soul carefully and don't drift away with the pain. I know you are hurting but please hang in there because you have to make it out alive. There will be a time when this is all over, you will thank yourself for holding on to yourself because you are your only saviour. It is never easy to do it all alone and don't expect that people will stay by your side. No one is going to be with you when you're falling apart on the inside. You can't express how it is making you feel. Nothing goes as planned and it's not your fault to have a little hope and faith that someday it's going to be alright when you know that it is not going to fill the empty space in your life. Please don't let your mind wander off in the dark and push yourself to hurt yourself even more when you're already in pain. Prepare yourself for the worse because losing a loved one is worse than anything because it feels l...

Someday We'll Get There

We are all trying our best to fit into these norms laid by the society just to feel accepted in some way or the other. We are so carried away by trying to make everything work in our favor and we just forget to live for ourselves. We forget that we need some time for ourselves, to breathe, to feel, to love and more importantly to just be ourselves. We are constantly living with this fear of not being good enough to people around us, not being able to live up to their expectations. Somewhere deep down we feel that sense of emptiness due to this, we always pretend to be someone who is totally different from the real us just because we want to feel loved and accepted. There are times when we are the real us and we are really happy to be the way we are. So what changes this? Why can't we just be the one who we really are? Is pretending really necessary? Is it really worth your time? Is it going to do you any good in the long run? I'll tell you what, in the long run t...

Be There For Yourself

I have been wondering about this for quite sometime that during the darkest hours of my life why I'm not able to find any support or anyone who can even try to understand my current state of mind. Maybe it's not just you, maybe its them and maybe everyone is just messed up as you are. So hoping for someone to be there by your side would make no sense if everything is just as messed up as your current state of mind is. There is nothing that we can do when we are trapped in our own thoughts, the ups and downs in our lives has molded us into a better human than we could possibly ever be. It just takes the right perspective to make the other person feel better about their own lives. The only sole purpose of our existence is to fight through the darkest days of our lives and to shine brighter than ever. The come back should always be stronger than your setback because then in that moment you are yourself with no guilt, no shame, no expectations, just the will to make it work and ...